Understanding the basic use of functions in functional programming (javascript)
Mar 4, 2023
This article is my attempt in summarizing some of the thoughts I have on FP and the use of functions.
Slow Thinker
Understanding FP currying in JavaScript
Mar 12, 2023
The point of this article is to share my recent experience of re-learning the basics of FP (functional programming) and making sense of the technique called currying which throughout my career was most associated with FP.
Slow Thinker
Understanding basic memoization and recursion
Mar 19, 2023
Before trying to define what recursion is, I would propose to look at some code to build some intuition about it, before starting to label it. Some common examples used when learning recursion are calculating the factorial for a given number or calculating the n-th Fibonacci number in the sequence.
Slow Thinker